1- Update the MongoDB configuration to allow remote connections:
* Locate the mongod.conf file on the MongoDB server device.
* Find the line starting with bindIp (e.g., bindIp:
* Modify it to include the server's local IP address or to allow connections from all IPs.
* then add those two lines:
authorization: "enabled"
2- install mongo shell and create a new user.
* open mongosh.exe, then enter this command 'mongodb://localhost/'
* enter 'use admin'
* To create a new user, enter this command: db.createUser({user: "admin", pwd: "your_secure_password", roles: [{ role: "root", db: "admin" }]})
* then in Restaurant App open settings screen and set credentials (username and password)
3- Set Up Firewall Rules To allow devices to connect to your MongoDB instance, you need to open the MongoDB port (default is 27017) in your Windows Firewall.
* Open Windows Defender Firewall.
* Go to Advanced Settings > Inbound Rules > New Rule.
* Select Port and click Next.
* Enter the port number (27017) and allow the connection.
* Name the rule (e.g., "MongoDB") and save it.
and restart the server from servecies on windows

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